IPNetInfo is a small freeware utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address. It can fetch you the details like the owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more. Now that the Internet is moving towards IPv6 addresses,  the new version of IPNetInfo, you can even get the details of IPv6 addresses.

In order to use this feature in the app, you have to check the ‘Detect IPv6 Addresses’ option in the ‘Choose IP addresses’ window. This option is disabled by default when you run the application. After enabling this feature, you can type one or more IPv6 addresses in the addresses list text-box, and then the result looks like in the image above.

The IP address information is retrieved by sending a request to the whois server. The program uses multiple Whois servers, so in case one is not able to retrieve the information, the app uses the other ones available.

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  1. He estado buscando esta información por mucho tiempo para la mejora de mi comparativa adsl y para el bienestar de mis colegas y gracias a la información compartida podemos cambiar de dirección IP a la dirección de IPv6. Que buena recomendación.

