Hi , My name Ki Terios . That relic Mataram first name ... in Fire at Bukit Menoreh story ... nah still alive right until now . I have extended experience in the IT world but yach not much in the System and Network infrastructure since graduating from ITS - FTI - FE ... what year yach 1997 's ....
I believe a lot of IT practitioners who can take man'faat of this website material - especially the newly graduated and working as a system administrator stepped in national and multinational companies - from what little I know by prolonged years of working experience in some of the mines in the interior beautiful Borneo and additional background and MCSE certification and CCNA .
What I know is only for a little bit, but I believe a little that I know could be bermanfa'at for those who know more but do not know what bit me know first. Or those who want to know more than I ever knew , but that they have not known . Or maybe bermanfa'at for those who do not know much more than the little I know . Well why mbulet plaster rambute half pint ... Ha .. ha ... ha ... ha .. Many translations articles from various sources , even from management practitioners left by the retainer IT management / foreign partner kosnultant previous work . Please leave a comment if there is no input or review articles or articles donation .
I am also working on my blog about the active wireless router and computer networking infrastructure as well as in English language blog .
Previous thank you for your visit to this block and sudihlah leave feedback or relevant commentar commentar .... there are some that are meant only to leave blog link them with questions ... but there are also many who did ask need an answer ... I tried my best to answer in accordance with this piece of science ....
Regards ,

+Bapak Triono 

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