Overheating is a major problem in Linux with laptops. Not only Laptops in all Linux machines consume much power while working on it. Overheating can occur due to various software issues, e.g., mis-configured fan control programs, buggy graphics card driver,  malfunctioning CPU frequency scaling daemon, etc. In this situation its better to have temperature  monitors in your system, which monitors various system components in your machines, that will alert you about maximum temperature your system reaches or something goes below in low level. So here, I'm gonna to explain tool that will help you to monitor your system temperature. Let see about it.

 There are several user space tools on Linux, which allows you to check and monitor temperature of various system components. But i have chosen the following 3 tools for monitor the system temperature.

--> lm-sensors
--> hddtemp
--> psensor

lm-sensors :  It's a tool that helps monitoring the hardware health of Linux systems containing hardware health monitoring hardware such as hardware embedded sensors to monitor temperatures, voltage, humidity and fans.

hddtemp : Hddtemp is a utility tool that is designed to  measure the temperature of hard drives from S.M.A.R.T. ( Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology ) readings.

psensor : Psensor is a graphical hardware temperature monitor designed for Linux machine. It monitors visualizes temperature readings from CPUs, NVidia/ATI/AMD GPUs, hard disks, etc.

Installation :

Step 1 : Open terminal  by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Install lm-sensors, hddtemp and psensor by copy the following code and paste into terminal to install it.

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors hddtemp psensor 

Configuring psensor : 

Enter the following command in your terminal and enter YES to each questions.

sudo sensors-detect 

It will probe and detect the embedded sensors in your hardware and automatically determine which driver modules need to be loaded to check temperature on your system.

When sensor probing is completed, detected driver modules will be added automatically to /etc/modules.

And then proceed to load necessary modules by entering the following command in your terminal...

sudo service module-init-tools start

Configuring hddtemp : 

Enter the following command to launch hddtemp as a daemon. Replace “/dev/sda” with the disk drive to monitor on your system.

sudo hddtemp -d /dev/sda

Monitor System Temperature with psensor :

psensor is a GUI based monitoring tool, which visualizes temperatures for embeded sensors in you machine.

To run psensor, just enter following command in terminal 

Or else search in unity dash and get it.

It allows you to check particular hardwares to monitor its temperature,

Also it allows you to set alarm when the temperature increases at maximum level or minimum level.

It has another feature of indicator. This indicates the temperatures of sensors in menubar.

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