Below is what I sent out tonight to MTConnect community:

Yesterday, I notified the MTConnect Institute's Board of Directors that my last day as President and Chairman of the Board of the MTConnect Institute will be January 2, 2014.  
I have greatly enjoyed my tenure and could not have asked or dreamed of having a better experience.  I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the MTConnect Technical Advisory Group members, the MTConnect Board of Directors, the many supporters of MTConnect and most importantly working with those manufacturers who have embraced MTConnect. I am very proud of what we all accomplished during my term by the entire MTConnect team.

It is very important for the MTConnect Institute that the President and Chairman of the Board have the time to take MTConnect to even greater heights.  My hope is that the next President and Chairman of the Board will have the support needed to work full time as this is what is absolutely needed to take MTConnect to the next level. 

Post January 2014, my company, Virtual Photons Electrons, will be very busy with other commitments, but will continue to track MTConnect.

Best Regards,


Dave Edstrom
President and Chairman of the Board  

 Below are a few highlights of my term as:

       [MC]2 2011
       This was our first MTConnect: Connecting Manufacturing Conference and it was a big success.
       [MC]2 2013
       Our second [MC]2 was another great success.  The foundation for doing successful MTConnect Conferences was validated and verified so the roadmap exists going forward.
       I put in over $52,000 of my own time that was “in kind” contribution so Virtual Photons Electrons (my company) became an MTConnect Institute Partner.
       I also gave away $6,000 worth of my book, MTConnect: To Measure Is To Know, to attendees and MTConnect members.
       Getting Started With MTConnect White Papers
       Connectivity Guide
       Shop Floor Monitoring, What’s In It For Me?
       Writing Client Applications
       MTConnect Challenge
       I had no involvement with this very cool effort, but it was certainly fun to watch all hard and creative work that went into this effort.
       MTConnect-OPC UA MoU and Companion Specification
       Tom Burke and I signed the agreement at IMTS 2010.
       MTConnect the Standard
       Thanks to Paul Warndorf, Will Sobel, John Turner and many others for driving new versions of our standard.
       I was very pleased to give away 200 copies of my book at the MTCTAG and [MC]2 2013 events.  I purposely priced the book at $9.99 for the electronic versions on Kindle, iTunes and Android to help get the word out on MTConnect.  The paperback version naturally would cost more, but I think it is fairly priced as well.  I do know that in a small way, the book has helped the MTConnect effort.  I thank the board again for allowing the use of the MTConnect logo in the title of my book.  

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