Google Calendar Indicator is an Ubuntu App Indicator, which displays Google Calendar. It shows all details of your events and your friends birthdays and more, which is registered in  your Google account. Think if you miss your friends birthday or some other events, because of you aren't checking your google calendar. In that time, you may think needs the app which shows all such details in your desktop.

This Indicator provides such features, which is placed in menu bar in you ubuntu based distros. When you are login to your machine, you can able to check all the details without login in your account.

When you are installed the Google Calendar Indicator, Once it will ask you to login with your Google account. If you finished once, at the every time it will be automatically synchronizes all the details in your Google calendar.

This indicator displays upto 10 events in the list.It lets you to add new events and it comes with a fully-featured calendar that lets you access all your events, edit existing events and so on.

To set Auto Start it, Just do it by  Preferences -> Options -> Auto Start
and On it.

Changes / Features in Google Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 :

--> Autostart On/Off feature
--> Auto Synchronization feature
--> Calendar size bug fixed 
--> prevented events that occur today from being displayed bug fixed
--> Included feature of selecting which calendars to show

Installation :

Step 1 : Open Terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Add PPA to your machine, to install the latest version of Google Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 , copy the following command and paste in to terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao

Step 3 : Then Update the repository by

sudo apt-get update

Step 4 : Now install the Google Calendar Indicator 0.2.0 by

sudo apt-get install calendar-indicator

That's all. Done.

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