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Exam Code: 98-366
Exam Name: Microsoft (MTA Networking Fundamentals)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
185 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-15

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NO.1 Which of the following statements is true regarding VLAN?
A. It increases the number of interfaces available to the network.
B. It is applied in case of RIP routing.
C. It configures permissions across the network.
D. It enables the user to map port number.
Answer: A

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NO.2 PRI, a form of ISDN, can provide transmission rates of up to ____.
A. 1.544Mbps
B. 16Kbps
C. 128Kbps
D. 64Kbps
Answer: Pending

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NO.3 Identify whether the given statement is true or false.
"In a bus topology, when a computer transmits its data, the signals travel in both directions on the bus
until they reach both ends."
A. False
B. True
Answer: B

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NO.4 Which of the following standards uses twisted pair cabling?
A. 10Base5
B. 10BaseT
C. 100BaseSX
D. 100BaseFX
Answer: B

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NO.5 Which of the following devices is used to create VLANs in a small network?
A. Switch
B. Bridge
C. Hub
D. Repeater
Answer: A

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NO.6 You work as a Network Administrator for McNeil Inc. The company has a TCP/IP-based network. The
company's office has an ISDN connection. This connection is used to connect the network to the Internet.
How many channels does an ISDN BRI connection use to send data?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 1
Answer: A

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NO.7 You work as a Web Designer for Blue Well Inc. You have to create a Web site for the company. The
Web site will be for internal use only and will contain information about policies and procedures of the
company. What will be the scope of the Web site?
A. Extranet
B. Internet
C. Utilitarian
D. Intranet
Answer: D

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NO.8 You work as a technician for Net Perfect Inc. You are troubleshooting a connectivity issue on a
network. You are using the ping command to verify the connectivity between two hosts. You want ping to
send larger sized packets than the usual 32-byte ones. Which of the following commands will you use?
A. ping -a
B. ping -4
C. ping -l
D. ping -t
Answer: C

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NO.9 The ____ layer provides access to the network for applications and certain user functions. It
displays incoming information and prepares outgoing information for network access.
A. Transport
B. Network
C. Physical
D. Session
E. Data-link
F. Application
Answer: F

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NO.10 Which of the following utilities will produce the output as shown in the image below?
Answer: A

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NO.11 Which of the following statements are true about a UTP crossover cable with RJ-45 connectors?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.
A. It is used for establishing a connection between a telephone line and a modem.
B. It is used for troubleshooting a network card.
C. It is used for establishing a connection between a broadband modem and a PC/router.
D. It is used for establishing a connection between two PCs without a hub.
Answer: C,D

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NO.12 You work as a Network Administrator for McNeil Inc. The company has a TCP/IP-based network. You
are configuring an Internet connection for your company. Your Internet service provider (ISP) has a
UNIX-based server. Which of the following utilities will enable you to access the UNIX server, using a
text-based connection?
Answer: A

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NO.13 Which of the following items are configured on a user workstation for wireless networking?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.
A. MAC Address Filtering
B. Service Set Identifier (SSID)
C. Encryption
D. Security Set Identifier (SSID)
Answer: B,C

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NO.14 Identify whether the given statement is true or false.?
"A switch passes data based on the MAC address."
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

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NO.15 You work as a Web Developer for WebCrunch Inc. You create a web site that contains information
about the company's products and services. The web site is to be used by the company's suppliers only.
Which of the following options will you use to specify the nature of access to the web site?
A. Intranet
B. Internet
C. Internet and Intranet
D. Extranet
Answer: D

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NO.16 You work as a Network Administrator for McRobert Inc. Your company has a TCP/IP-based network.
You want to know the statistics of each protocol installed on your computer. Which of the following
commands will you use?
Answer: Pending

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NO.17 In the FDDI network, each network node is connected to a central cabling nexus called a ____.
A. Concentrator
B. Gateway
C. Repeater
D. Transceiver
F. Bridge
Answer: A

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NO.18 Which of the following utilities will produce the output as shown in the image below?
Answer: B

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NO.19 You work as a Network Administrator for Tech Perfect Inc. The company has a TCP/IP-based routed
network. The network is configured on Cisco devices. The network is configured as shown in the image
Following is a list of the types of cable used in networking:
Which of the following options is correct regarding the types of cable used for connecting different
networking devices on the network?
A. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
B. A-3, B-1, C-1, D-4
C. A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
D. A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
Answer: B

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NO.20 Which of the following types of patch cable is used in a 100BaseT network?
A. Cat 3 STP
B. Cat 3 UTP
C. RJ 58 Coaxial
D. Cat 5 UTP
Answer: D

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NO.21 Which of the following functions is not performed by a router?
A. Internetwork communication
B. Broadcast forwarding
C. Packet filtering
D. Packet switching
Answer: B

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NO.22 You work as a Network Administrator for Tech Perfect Inc. The company has a TCP/IP-based network.
You are required to set up a new network in a department named Research. The department's network
will be configured with IPv6.
Place the appropriate properties of the IPv6 multicast address structure in the image below.
Answer: A

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NO.23 You work as a consultant for Tech Perfect Inc. You are required to design a gigabit network for the
company. Which of the following types of cables will you use for the network?
A. CAT 3
B. CAT 4
C. CAT 5
D. CAT 6
Answer: D

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NO.24 Which of the following devices is required for remotely accessing the network through PSTN lines?
A. Hub
B. Bridge
C. Switch
D. Modem
E. Gateway
F. Router
Answer: D

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NO.25 Which of the following is a function of a WINS server on a network?
A. Assigning virtual memory to the server.
B. Assigning IP addresses.
C. Converting host names to domain names.
D. Converting NetBIOS names to IP addresses.
E. Assigning computer names.
Answer: D

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NO.26 Which of the following are functions of the application layer of the OSI model?
Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
A. To provide a user interface for database services
B. To provide protocols for service use
C. To provide protocols for service advertisement
D. To provide file, print, and message services
Answer: B,C,D

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NO.27 Which of the following cables offers more resistance to crosstalk than the other cables?
A. Unshielded twisted pair
B. Fiber-optic
C. Coaxial
D. Shielded twisted pair
Answer: B

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NO.28 Which of the following statements is true regarding hybrid network topology?
A. It is a combination of more than two similar networks connected through routers.
B. It is a combination of two or more similar types of networks connected through a bridge de vice.
C. It is a combination of two or more different types of networks topologies.
D. It is a network that uses both coaxial and CAT 5 cabling.
Answer: D

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NO.29 Which of the following services is required in a routed network to communicate with the DHCP
server on another segment?
D. DHCP relay agent
Answer: D

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NO.30 Identify whether the given statement is true or false.
"In a segmented network, the router prevents broadcasts from being transferred from one
segment to another."
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

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