In this post I'm gonna to say about how to find the installed applications in the Linux machine. If we wanna to know all the installed applications in our system, which are all not displayed application menu, we will use this tool for it. So for this we used xfce4-appfinder tool.

xfce4-appfinder is a tool designed to show all the applications which are all installed in your machine. Also it allows to launch the applications directly from it and quickly execute the commands from it. It can also be used to quickly add launchers to the Xfce Panel by dragging an item from the view and drop it on the panel.

Features of  xfce4-appfinder :

--> Shows all the installed applications in your machine
--> Searches the applications by all the category or specified category
--> Launches applications directly from it
--> Quickly executes the commands
--> Executed Commands remembrance
--> Quickly add launchers by dragging an item to the panel

Installation :

Step 1 : Open terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Install the xfce4-appfinder via terminal by enter the following command in your terminal.

sudo apt-get install xfce4-appfinder

That's all. Its simple to install it.

To open xfce4-appfinder, Go to Accessories -> Application Finder to get it or simply search and get it.

You can also search the installed application via terminal by using following two commands

--> locate
--> which

locate : It searches all files in your machine, which you entered the name. For example try this,

locate gcc

It will display all the files which has name gcc and shows corresponding directory path name of the files.

which : It simply shows where the executable file located in your machine of your installed applications. If the application is not installed, it will not display anything in result. For example try this,

which gcc

Enjoy !

 Check the screen shots for Command mode Search:

Check the screen shots for Application Finder :

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