How to install Facebook Messenger application on Ubuntu based distros
How to install Facebook Messenger application on Ubuntu based distros

As we know, Facebook Messenger is an desktop instant messenger application, which allows user to send/receive voice messages, text messages ...

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How to install XFCE 4.12 on Ubuntu based distros
How to install XFCE 4.12 on Ubuntu based distros

Hi friends, today i'm gonna to say about XFCE and how to install the latest unofficial release of version 4.12 on ubuntu based distros...

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How to install BleachBit ( System Cleaner ) on Linux and Windows
How to install BleachBit ( System Cleaner ) on Linux and Windows

System cleaning is a task of removing unwanted files to free disk space to make a computer as works faster. There are many tools are availab...

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Geary ( e-mail client ) 0.4.1 has been Released
Geary ( e-mail client ) 0.4.1 has been Released

Geary is a light-weight email client, which allows to use e-mail service with multiple accounts simultaneously without using browser client....

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How to check installed linux kernel version details and operating system details
How to check installed linux kernel version details and operating system details

Its easy to know the installed linux kernel version and operating details. Just enter the following commands to check it... To know Linux Ke...

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How to install Cinnamon 2.0 on Ubuntu based distros
How to install Cinnamon 2.0 on Ubuntu based distros

Cinnamon is a Gnome 3 desktop environment than have a panel at the bottom of the window with Classic Menu. It is good for people who like t...

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How to find an installed application in Ubuntu based distros
How to find an installed application in Ubuntu based distros

In this post I'm gonna to say about how to find the installed applications in the Linux machine. If we wanna to know all the installed a...

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Working on Version Control System
Working on Version Control System

Mercurial is an SCM( Source Control Management ) system designed for software developers to efficient handling of very large distributed pa...

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Developing GUI programs using the Qt toolkit on Ubutnu based distros
Developing GUI programs using the Qt toolkit on Ubutnu based distros

Earlier days, in Linux  machines developers used a single terminal ( command prompt ) to finish the tasks by simply entering the commands. ...

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Comman Unix Printing System Setup on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
Comman Unix Printing System Setup on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

CUPS is a Comman Unix Printing System. From the name we can easily captured this is a Printing System. Yes but it manages the multiple print...

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File Sharing using Samba on Ubuntu / Fedora / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
File Sharing using Samba on Ubuntu / Fedora / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

In this post we will see about sharing files between two computers using a tool called samba. Samba is a free software, which provides fast ...

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How to Compile and Install Linux Kernel 3.11.6 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to Compile and Install Linux Kernel 3.11.6 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

Linux Kernel 3.11.6 Stable version Released last month 18th. Check the announcement HERE .  So now i'm gonna to say about installing ker...

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Compiling Software From Source on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
Compiling Software From Source on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

In this post i'm gonna to say about common build systems available in Linux and to use them. Open Source is famous term , in my point of...

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