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Exam Code: 70-545
Exam Name: Microsoft (TS: Microsoft Visio 2007, Application)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
86 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-11-10

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NO.1 You are developing an Office Visio 2007 SharedAdd-in.
You construct an event sink class that listens to events from the Visio 2007 Application,
Document, Page, and Shape objects. The VisEventProc function has the following signature:
Public Function VisEventProc(
ByVal eventCodeAs Short,
ByVal sourceAs Object,
ByVal eventIdAs Integer,
ByVal eventSequenceNumberAs Integer,
ByVal subjectAs Object,
ByVal moreInformationAs Object)As Object
You need to construct a switch to identify the object that raised the event.
Which parameter should you use?
A. eventCode
B. moreInformation
C. source
D. subject
Answer: C

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NO.2 You are developing an Office Visio 2007 Shared Add-in. You need to modify the add-in to perform an action after the Visio 2007 application flushes its events queue. What should you do?
A. ListenforAppDeactivated.
B. Listen for RunModeEntered.
C. Listen for MustFlushScopeBeginning.
D. Queue a MarkerEvent and then listen for a MarkerEvent.
Answer: D

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NO.3 You plan to create an Office Visio 2007 application. You need to prevent Visio 2007 from failing in the event that there is a fault in the application. What are three possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose three.)
A. CreateaVBAsolution.
B. CreateaVSLsolution.
C. Create an EXE add-on solution.
D. CreateaSharedAdd-insolution,andthenusetheCOMShimWizardtocreateaDLL.
E. Create a Shared Add-in solution by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition.
Answer: CDE

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NO.4 You have a Windows Forms application that contains an embedded Visio Drawing Control.
You have an Office Visio 2007 drawing saved as C:\Template.vsd. You need to configure the
application to load and display the drawing as a template by using the Visio Drawing Control.
Which code should you add to the application?
A. Me.axDrawingControl1. Document.Application.Documents.Open( "C:\Template.VSD ")
B. Me.axDrawingControl1.Window.Application.Documents.Open( " C:\Template.VSD " )
C. Me.axDrawingControl1.Src = " C:\Template.VSD "
D. Dim openDockedFlag As Short = CShort(Visio.VisOpenSaveArgs.visOpenDocked) Me.axDrawingControl1.Window.Application.Documents. OpenEx("C:\Template.VSD",openDockedFlag)
Answer: C

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NO.5 You are creating an application that will be used to connect two two-dimensional (2-D) shapes by using a Dynamic Connector shape. In your application, you create an object named myVisioApp that references the Visio Application object. You need to add code to your application to connect the 2-D shapes. What code should you add?
A. myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes(1). Cells(PinX). GlueTo( myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes(2) .Cells(PinX) )
B. myVisioApp.Active P age. Shapes(1).Cells(BeginX).GlueTo myVisioApp.ActivePage.Shapes(2).Cells(Connections.X1)
C. myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes(1).AutoConnect( myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes(2), visAutoConnectDirNone)
D. myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes(1).AutoConnect( myVisioApp.Active P age.Shapes( 1 ) , visAutoConnectDirRight )
Answer: C

Microsoft certification training   70-545 questions   70-545 original questions

NO.6 You are developing an Office Visio 2007 Shared Add-in. You need to prevent shape deletions by using custom logic. What should you do?
A. Configure the add-in to listen to the QueryCancelPageDelete event of the Visio 2007 application.
B. Configure the add-in to listen to the QueryCancelSelectionDelete event of the Visio 2007 application.
C. Configure the add-in to listen to the BeforeShapeDelete event of the Visio 2007 application.
D. Configure the add-in to listen to the BeforeSelectionDelete event of the Visio 2007 application.
Answer: B

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NO.7 You create a custom template and several custom stencils. You need the stencils to open automatically when a new file is created from the template. What should you do?
A. Deploy the stencils to the My Shapes folder.
B. Deploy the stencils to the same folder as the template.
C. Dock the stencils in the template workspace, and then save the template.
D. Modify the Office Visio 2007 application settings to contain the path to the stencils.
Answer: C

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NO.8 You are developing an Office Visio 2007 Shared Add-in. You create an object named objShape that references a new shape. You need to modify the add-in to identify the shape if the shape is moved to a different page. Which property of objShape should you reference?
B. Name
C. NameID
D. UniqueID(visGetOrMakeGUID)
Answer: D

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NO.9 You need to develop an Office Visio 2007 solution for 1,000 computers that run Visio 2007.
The solution must meet the following requirements:
The solution must not require the installation of additional components, tools, or DLLs. Users
must be able to customize the solution without installing additional development tools.
What should you develop?
A. A template and a Visio Solutions Library (VSL)
B. A custom stencil that uses ShapeSheet programming
C. A Windows Forms application that contains the Visio Drawing Control
D. A solution by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition
Answer: B

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NO.10 You are developing an Office Visio 2007 Shared Add-in. You create three objects named objMaster, objPage, and objWindow. The object objMaster references a local copy of the master. The object objPage references the current page. The object objWindow references the active window. You need to create several shape instances of the master on the current page at specific coordinates in the active window. Which method should you use?
A. objPage.Drop()
B. objPage.DropMany()
C. objWindow.CreateSelection()
D. objMaster.Shapes.Item(1).Copy() objPage.Paste()
Answer: B

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