How to install wine 1.7.5 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to install wine 1.7.5 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

Wine 1.7.5 Released. Wine is a program, developed for addicted windows users, who are all running the Linux machines. It is an application, ...

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How to install LAMP Server with single command on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to install LAMP Server with single command on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

LAMP ( Linux Apache Mysql PHP ) is a package which have a collection of  following packages into single package. Followed by this post, i wi...

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