File Sharing using Samba on Ubuntu / Fedora / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
File Sharing using Samba on Ubuntu / Fedora / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

In this post we will see about sharing files between two computers using a tool called samba. Samba is a free software, which provides fast ...

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How to Compile and Install Linux Kernel 3.11.6 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to Compile and Install Linux Kernel 3.11.6 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

Linux Kernel 3.11.6 Stable version Released last month 18th. Check the announcement HERE .  So now i'm gonna to say about installing ker...

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Compiling Software From Source on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
Compiling Software From Source on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

In this post i'm gonna to say about common build systems available in Linux and to use them. Open Source is famous term , in my point of...

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How to install Geary (Mail Client) version 0.4.0 on Ubuntu based distros
How to install Geary (Mail Client) version 0.4.0 on Ubuntu based distros

Happy to blogging with your support guys. Today we are gonna to see about a Simple Mail Client. Yorba Team Developed a Gerary.  Geary is a l...

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How to install Chive ( web based MySQL database management tool ) on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to install Chive ( web based MySQL database management tool ) on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

Chive is a Web-based MySQL database management tool, which allows to manage MySQL database with web client. It is alternative program for Ad...

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Post your doubts or requests here
Post your doubts or requests here

Hi friends, i created this thread for make a small discussion between us about any installation helps, post you want to know well about some...

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Linux Kernel 3.12-rc6 Prepatch Released
Linux Kernel 3.12-rc6 Prepatch Released

Its again quiet release from Linus Torvalds. Yes the busy man, released the latest version of Linux Kernel version 3.12 Release Candidate 6....

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Linux Kernel 3.10.17 and 3.11.6 Released
Linux Kernel 3.10.17 and 3.11.6 Released

After the Linux Kernel 3.12 RC5 release, Now two main kernels are released. Check the 3.12-RC5 Release details   HERE .   One comes with s...

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Pinguy OS 13.10 Alpha Released
Pinguy OS 13.10 Alpha Released

Pinguy OS is built based on the Ubuntu OS framework. If you wanna to check more about, click HERE . Pinguy OS was developed by Antoni Norman...

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How to install LAMP Server with single command on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu  / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu
How to install LAMP Server with single command on Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Zorin OS / OS4 OpenLinux / Lubuntu / elementary OS / Bodhi Linux / Kubuntu / Ubuntu GNOME / Xubuntu / Pear Linux / Pinguy OS / Edubuntu

LAMP ( Linux Apache Mysql PHP ) is a package which have a collection of  following packages into single package. Followed by this post, i wi...

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