Today is the World IPv6 day or "Test Flight" day and the goal of the Test Flight Day is to motivate organizations across the industry – Internet service providers, hardware makers, operating system vendors and web companies – to prepare their services for IPv6 to ensure a successful transition as IPv4 addresses run out.

Including Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai and Limelight Networks will offer their contents over IPv6 for 24 hours.

You can check your IPv6 through the http://test-ipv6.com/.

Google has announced that if any problem occured to visit Google then they recommend to use ipv4.google.com rather using www.google.com on june 8.

Although you havent IPv6 , its not problem because they are not going to completly cwitch to IPv6 , They going to use both IP versions for the users on 8 th of june.

you can read  more about google announcement from ipv4.google.com/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?answer=1299266&topic=8995&hl=en

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