What is M Cash ?
 M cash is the mobile banking of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.

Islami Bank mCash is the Mobile Banking of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited where the customers of any mobile company take the 24 hours of mobile banking services from anywhere of the country without going to any branches

        M cash
 mCash: Advantages
Mobile banking seems to be the “in” thing right now. With mobile banking you can access your bank accounts, make payments and transfer funds via your cell phone. With vast mobile connectivity, mobile banking has become extremely successful.
Let’s take a look at the merits of mobile banking. The first advantage is mobile banking has an upper hand over internet banking because for the latter you will need to have an internet connection and getting the connection in remotest places might not be possible. Secondly, it saves a lot of time as you can pay your bills and make payments whenever you want.
Mobile banking is extremely user friendly. The interface is really simple and if you follow a few simple instructions you will be able to make the transaction easily. Mobile banking is cost effective and most banks offer this facility at lower costs compared to banking by self.
Advantages of Islami Bank mCash:
  • Unique system for all to take the Banking Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited based on Islamic Shari’ah.
  • Profit will be given to the customer’s mobile account based on the Mudaraba Principles of Islamic Shari’ah.
  • Available banking services in 24 hours in a day, 7 days in week and 365 days in a year.
  • Banking services without any branch banking
  • Able to banking from anywhere of the country
  • Foreign Remittances will be deposited directly to the mobile account in a short time.
  • A service for the unbanked people to take banking services.
  • Most modern, updated and more secure banking.
  • Creation of bank transactions almost for all types financial activities.
  • Except the cash transactions, all transactions can be performed the by the customer himself.

Mission and Vision of Islami Bank mCash:
  • Unique system for all to take the Banking Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited based on Islamic Shari’ah.
  • Profit will be given to the customer’s mobile account based on the Mudaraba Principles of Islamic Shari’ah.
  • Available banking services in 24 hours in a day, 7 days in week and 365 days in a year.
  • Banking services without any branch banking
  • Able to banking from anywhere of the country
  • Foreign Remittances will be deposited directly to the mobile account in a short time.
  • A service for the unbanked people to take banking services.
  • Most modern, updated and more secure banking.
  • Creation of bank transactions almost for all types financial activities.
  • Except the cash transactions, all transactions can be performed the by the customer himself.

Benefits of IBBL mCash Mobile Banking:
• Real time on-line banking
• Available anytime, anywhere throughout the country
• It is convenient, affordable and secure
• It is much more effective in developing savings habits
• It will make access to banking and advanced payment transactions at affordable cost
• It is much safer, speedy and safeguard against fraudulent transactions
• Exclusive system for all to take Mobile Banking Services of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited.
• Profit will be given to the customer’s mobile account based on the Mudaraba Principles of Islamic Shari’ah.

More Information :
  1. www. www.islamibankbd.com    
  2. www.ipv4-ipv6.blogspot.com

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