I had the privilege of hosting an MTConnect Panel at Mazak Discover 2013 the second and third weeks of October this year.  We had the panel in Mazak's Learning Center.  It was a FANTASTIC event!

Above is a partial crowd shot of the over 230 attendees we had for the Tuesday October 15th session.  At the lower part of the photo, you can see from right to left the panelists:

  • David McPhail, CEO and President of Memex Automation
  • Neil Desrosiers of Mazak - Software Engineer
  • Will Sobel, CEO and President of System Insights
  • Ben Schawe of Mazak - Executive VP of Mazak Operations

Above is me at the podium.

Above is the MTConnect logo on all of the Mazak machine tools!

Above is a huge gear - that is a 55" monitor inside the gear.

Below are a number of photos I took at Mazak Discover 2013.  Very cool stuff!

Below is the booth by Memex Automation - real thought leaders in manufacturing and MTConnect.  You see John Rattray in the photo as well.

Below is a photo by Neil Desrosiers of the MTConnect panelists and other MTConnect members.  From right to left, John Rattray of Memex Automation, Randy McDonald of Memex Automation, Will Sobel, John of System Insights, David McPhail of Memex Automation and me.  Brian Papke, President of Mazak USA, mentoned MTConnect in each of his keynotes.  Over 3,000 attendees were at Mazak Discover 2013!

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