Every blog writers like to share their posts on social sites to publish it. Google+ is the Google's Social site which is developed by Google for its users. Their are lot of people are in Google+ who are all having gmail account and they enjoy funs with Google+ connection with their friends. Also they shares their ideas through it to publish on the web.

Now Blogger is introduced a new feature called " Automatically share on Google+" to its users. In before at every time when a user publishes blog post, the small prompt will loads and asks user to publish/share the written blog posts on Google+. For slower connections it will take sometimes to load at every time the blogger publishes the post and for every frequent blog writers wants every time to share their articles automatically publish on Google+ instead of asking with prompt window. Yes now google offers it to users. Just follow the steps to enable Automatic share.

Step 1: Login to your blogger account at here
Step 2 : Now go to blogger and select the blog, if you have mutiple blogs. Otherwise skip this step.

Step 3 : Select Google+ tab in sidebar of your blogger dashboard. Check the screenshot below. I selected Google+ which is shown in orangle color.

Step 4 : Now you will see an option called " Automatically share after posting ".
Just click on this check box. If you want to use Google+ comments then also click on this check box and use this feature. Check the screenshot below.

Note : Also Blogger gives more features to increase traffic of your blog with Google+. Just check the 6 more features below in it. Enjoy!

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