In earlier program we were given the introduction about python. Followed by it we will see about installation of python with full packages in this post. Python is a interpreted, high-level, interactive and Object oriented scripting langauage. It provides efficient features to users while developing with on it.

Let see about installation on ubuntu

Step 1 : To install python interpreter enter the below command in termial

sudo apt-get install python

If you wanna to see python installation for windows and other distributions of linux check here


Step 2 : Python comes with so many packages. These packages are build after the python was created. But all the packages are not installed when you are installing python interpreter. If you wanna to use other packages you must have to install.

For example , if you are writing tk applications with  python you must install python Tk packages to use this features.

Here we listed all packages in the order of A-Z list. This is listed based on the package starting names. Install and enjoy.

A :

If you want to install all packages in single command , just copy the below command in terminal and paste it and enter to install it.

sudo apt-get install python-alsaaudio python-appindicator python-argvalidate python-apache-openid python-aeidon python-appconf python-apptools python-antlr python-amqplib python-albatross-common python-audit python-aafigure python-apt-common python-adodb python-acoustid python-albatross-common python-avogadro python-all python-abiword python-anyjson python-autopilot python-authres python-all-dbg python-all-dev python-aubio python-aptdaemon-gtk python-apsw python-ase python-apsw-doc python-avc python-adns python-apipkg python-aptdaemon python-avahi python-aiml python-apscheduler python-apsw-dbg python-aptdaemon.gtkwidgets python-async python-albatross python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets python-albatross-doc python-application python-authkit python-apt python-apport python-aspects python-asterisk python-axiom python-argh

For individual package installation check here...

Alsa bindings for Python
sudo apt-get install python-alsaaudio

Python bindings for libappindicator
sudo apt-get install python-appindicator

Simple argument validator library
sudo apt-get install python-argvalidate

OpenID consumer module for Apache
sudo apt-get install python-apache-openid 

Reading, writing and manipulating text-based subtitle files
sudo apt-get install python-aeidon

A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged apps gracefully
sudo apt-get install python-appconf

ETS Application Tools
sudo apt-get install python-apptools

Language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
sudo apt-get install python-antlr

Simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library
sudo apt-get install python-amqplib

Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications (common files)
sudo apt-get install python-albatross-common

Python bindings for security auditing
sudo apt-get install python-audit

ASCII art to image converter
sudo apt-get install python-aafigure

Python interface to libapt-pkg (locales)
sudo apt-get install python-apt-common

A database abstraction library for python
sudo apt-get install python-adodb

Acoustid interface implementation and Chromaprint bindings
sudo apt-get install python-acoustid

Python interface to AAlib, an ASCII art library
sudo apt-get install python-aalib

Python bindings for Augeas
sudo apt-get install python-augeas

Simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library (Documentation)
sudo apt-get install python-amqplib-doc

Python interface to libapt-pkg (API documentation)
sudo apt-get install python-apt-doc

Generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file
sudo apt-get install python-actdiag

Python interface to libapt-pkg (debug extension)
sudo apt-get install python-apt-dbg

Backend-agnostic audio decoding Python package
sudo apt-get install python-audioread

Python interface to libapt-pkg (development files)
sudo apt-get install python-apt-dev

Molecular Graphics and Modelling System (Python module)
sudo apt-get install python-avogadro

Package depending on all supported Python runtime versions
sudo apt-get install python-all

Python AbiWidget and TableWidget wrappers
sudo apt-get install python-abiword

Common interface for the best available JSON implementation
sudo apt-get install python-anyjson

Utility to write and run integration tests easily
sudo apt-get install python-autopilot

RFC 5451 Authentication Results Header manipulation for Python
sudo apt-get install python-authres

Package depending on all supported Python debugging packages
sudo apt-get install python-all-dbg

Package depending on all supported Python development packages
sudo apt-get install python-all-dev

Python interface for aubio, a library for audio segmentation
sudo apt-get install python-aubio

Transitional dummy package
sudo apt-get install python-aptdaemon-gtk

Another Python SQLite 3 wrapper
sudo apt-get install python-apsw

Atomic Simulation Environment for atomistic simulations
sudo apt-get install python-ase

Documentation for python-apsw
sudo apt-get install python-apsw-doc

Live connection among widgets and application variables
sudo apt-get install python-avc

Python bindings to the asynchronous DNS resolver library
sudo apt-get install python-adns

Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python
sudo apt-get install python-apipkg

Python 2 module for the server and client of aptdaemon
sudo apt-get install python-aptdaemon

Python utility package for Avahi
sudo apt-get install python-avahi

Artificial Intelligence Markup Language interpreter for Python
sudo apt-get install python-aiml

In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
sudo apt-get install python-apscheduler

Another Python SQLite 3 wrapper (debug extension)
sudo apt-get install python-apsw-dbg

Python GTK+ 2 widgets to run an aptdaemon client
sudo apt-get install python-aptdaemon.gtkwidgets

Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers
sudo apt-get install python-async

Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications
sudo apt-get install python-albatross

Python 2 GTK+ 3 widgets to run an aptdaemon client
sudo apt-get install python-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets

Documentation for the Albatross Web Toolkit
sudo apt-get install python-albatross-doc

Basic building blocks for Python applications
sudo apt-get install python-application

Authentication and authorisation framework for Python WSGI applications
sudo apt-get install python-authkit

Python interface to libapt-pkg
sudo apt-get install python-apt

Python library for Apport crash report handling
sudo apt-get install python-apport

Lightweight aspect oriented programming library for Python
sudo apt-get install python-aspects

Asterisk Manager API interface module for Python
sudo apt-get install python-asterisk

Python object database
sudo apt-get install python-axiom

Simple argparse wrapper
sudo apt-get install python-argh

Note : Other lists to be continued in next posts....

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