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Exam Code: HP0-M26
Exam Name: HP (Infrastructure Monitoring using HP SiteScope v9)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
60 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-13

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NO.1 What are pre-requisites for tuning SiteScope? (Select two.)
A. SiteScope must be installed as a standalone server.
B. All instances of SiteScope must run on the same server.
C. Disconnect SiteScope from the network being monitored.
D. A single instance of SiteScope must be running on a server.
E. SiteScope must be installed on the server that is to be monitored.
Answer: AD

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NO.2 Click Next or More to continue.
492dd584670f? 492dd585170b
Click the Task button.
Arrange the steps of the monitoring process in the correct sequence.

NO.3 Which SiteScope term refers to a collected value, performance parameter, URL, or similar system
A. Metric
B. Monitor
C. Threshold
D. Service Level Management
Answer: A

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NO.4 With which HP Software Products can SiteScope be integrated? (Select three.)
A. HP LoadRunner
B. HP Asset Manager
C. HP Software as a Service
D. HP Business Availability Center
E. HP Project and Portfolio Management
F. HP Change and Configuration Manager
Answer: ACD

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NO.5 How do you use the SiteScope Configuration tool?
A. Disable pop-up warnings, change the default interface port, and change the default installation
B. Change the default SiteScope interface port, import/export group files and templates, and then alter the
Heap parameters.
C. Edit the SiteScope interface port, change operating system settings to allow for better SiteScope
performance, export and import user data.
D. Edit the SiteScope interface port and protocol, change the default installation directory and change the
default administrator access credentials.
Answer: C

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/HP0-M26.html

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