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Exam Code: HP2-K19
Exam Name: HP (Selling HP Business Class Storage Solutions)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
61 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-08

HP2-K19 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertmaster.com/HP2-K19.html

NO.1 Which customer requirement helps determine when to implement an HP StorageWorks All-in- One
storage system versus a Modular Smart Array (MSA)?
A. use existing storage management staff expertise
B. connect easily into existingFibre Channel infrastructure
C. integrate with storage arrays in a SAN environment
D. integrate file serving and block-based access to storage
Answer: D

HP   HP2-K19 test   HP2-K19 certification training

NO.2 A customer uses DAS for both Exchange and user flat files for about 100 users. Because all the storage
is in various locations, it is difficult to manage this configuration and increase capacity.
The customer wants to install a SAN to solve these problems, but cannot afford the cost and time it takes
to deploy a Fibre Channel SAN. The customer also has limited in-house expertise in managing a SAN.
Which solution should the customer consider for migrating application data while also providing file
serving for clients on the same system?
A. MSA2000i
B. AiO600 Storage System
C. ProLiant Storage Server DL380 G5
D. MSA2000fc
Answer: B

HP practice test   HP2-K19 questions   HP2-K19   HP2-K19   HP2-K19 certification training

NO.3 The data stored on HP StorageWorks D2D Backup Systems resides on which media type?
A. SDLT tape
B. UltraSCSI disk
C. SATA disk
D. LTOUltrium tape
Answer: C

HP   HP2-K19   HP2-K19 certification

NO.4 Which company profile most accurately reflects a mid-sized business-class customer?
A. 10 employees; up to $6 million annual revenue
B. 200 employees; $9 million annual revenue
C. 400 employees; $90 million annual revenue
D. 900 employees; $250 million annual revenue
Answer: C

HP   HP2-K19   HP2-K19 test answers   HP2-K19 practice test   HP2-K19 test questions

NO.5 Determining the stage in HP's Customer-Driven Sales Methodology (CDSM) an opportunity has
reached depends on accurately assessing where the opportunity is in the customer buying cycle. If an
opportunity is positioned in the customer buying cycle at the Evaluate Options stage, which stage in the
CDSM has it reached?
A. Stage 2 - Validate the Opportunity
B. Stage 4 - Develop and Propose Solution
C. Stage 5 - Negotiate and Close
D. Stage 7 -Won and Deploy
Answer: B

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ITCertMaster offer the latest 1Z0-597 Practice Test and high-quality C_HANATEC_1 PDF Exam Questions training material. Our 70-465 VCE testing engine and MSC-235 dumps can help you pass the real exam. High-quality HP0-Y46 Exam Questions & Answers can 100% guarantee you pass the exam faster and easier. Pass the exam to obtain certification is so simple.

Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/HP2-K19.html

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