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Exam Code: 000-652
Exam Name: IBM (IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 Fundamentals)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
100 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-01

000-652 Free Demo Download: http://www.itcertmaster.com/000-652.html

NO.1 What functionality will a user need to define a set of tasks that will be applied to the Service
Request once the Catalog Request is submitted and approved?
A. Job Plan
B. Fulfillment Plan
C. Ticket Template
D. Fulfillment Template
Answer: A

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NO.2 What is the IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5 (SCCD) application server used for?
A. To apply SCCD fix packs
B. To generate SCCD EAR files
C. To provide a SCCD runtime environment
D. To customize Maximo Business Object Java code
Answer: C

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NO.3 What is the purpose of the Update Promotion action?
A. To update attributes of the configuration item (CI) based on the information from the Actual CI
B. To update attributes of the Actual CI based on the information from the CI
C. To update attributes of the CI based on the information from the Change Management process
D. To update attributes of the Actual CI based on the information from the Change Management
Answer: A

IBM   000-652   000-652 test questions

NO.4 When installing an enterprise solution, which edition of IBM SmartCloud Control Desk can be
A. Only Entry Edition
B. Any product edition
C. Only Everyplace Edition
D. Only Service Provider Edition
Answer: B

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NO.5 What are two appropriate Key Performance Indicators for the Service Catalog Management
Process? (Choose two.)
A. Number of accesses per month
B. Number of calls to the service desk
C. Percent of users who use the service catalog
D. Percent of users who are aware of the service catalog
E. Number of services published including Service Level Agreements/Targets
Answer: A,C

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NO.6 Which ticket type must be used for a user who is asking for information?
A. Incident
B. Problem
C. Service Request
D. Process Request
Answer: C

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NO.7 What are three types of IBM SmartCloud Control Desk offerings? (Choose three.)
A. Action
B. Descriptive
C. Work Order
D. Work Request
E. Service Catalog
F. Service Request
Answer: A,B,F

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NO.8 What is the purpose of the Promotion process?
A. To create configuration items (CI) from Actual CIs
B. To create Actual CIs from CIs
C. To enable CIs to be used in the Change Management process
D. To enable Actual CIs to be used in the Change Management process
Answer: A

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NO.9 What is the purpose of domains within IBM SmartCloud Control Desk?
A. To allow global searches across areas of an organization
B. To specify ownership of a set of objects within the product
C. To separate configuration items and assets into geographical areas
D. To maintain a value list that can be used in fields within the product
Answer: D

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NO.10 Which two activities are included in the scope of IT Asset management? (Choose two.)
A. Risk Management
B. License Management
C. Security Management
D. Inventory Management
E. Configuration Management
Answer: B,D

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/000-652.html

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