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Exam Code: NS0-111
Exam Name: Network Appliance (Network Appliance Storage Associate Exam)
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83 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-12

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NO.1 You are performing a Data ONTAP upgrade and have loaded the system files onto the storage
appliance, and have
successfully issued the download command.
What is the next command you would enter to complete the upgrade procedure?
A. version
B. sysconfig -v
C. software
D. reboot
Answer: D

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NO.2 Which volume option will disable automatic snapshot creation?
A. Setting the nosnap volume option to on
B. Turning off access to the .snapshot directory
C. Setting the nosnapdir option to on
D. Setting snap reserve to 0%
Answer: A

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NO.3 Which two of the following statements about qtrees and volumes are true? (Choose 2)
A. A volume can contain qtrees, but qtrees cannot contain qtrees.
B. A quota can be set for a qtree, but not for an exported file system.
C. A qtree can contain a volume, but a volume cannot contain a qtree.
D. The default security style for a qtree is the security style of the volume root directory.
Answer: AD

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NO.4 Which command would you use to display complete hardware information for a storage appliance?
A. vol status -v
B. sysconfig -v
C. sysstat
D. disk health -v
Answer: B

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NO.5 Which one of the following files will allow you to change the search order for hostname resolution?
A. /etc/hosts
B. /etc/resolv.conf
C. /etc/searchorder.conf
D. /etc/nsswitch.conf
Answer: D

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NO.6 Which one of the following is a valid VLAN interface?
A. E3-9
B. E0
C. E3a
D. All of the above
Answer: A

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NO.7 What is NDMP?
A. It is a standard protocol for controlling data transfers between primary and secondary storage devices
B. It is a proprietary protocol used for controlling data transfers between the storage appliance head and
disk drives
C. It is a networking trace analysis tool
D. It is a network management tool for storage appliances
Answer: A

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NO.8 Choose the best way to minimize backup time.
A. Tape backup over the WAN connection
B. Utilizing a larger tape capacity
C. Organizing data in volumes and qtrees
D. Using multiple local tape drives
Answer: D

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NO.9 What two conditions should be verified prior to performing remote backups? (Choose 2)
A. The trust relationships between the source and the destination
B. That clustered failover is disabled
C. That rsh is enabled for remote access
D. That remote backup is enabled
Answer: AC

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NO.10 To recover a file from a snapshot using a UNIX client, what directory will a user look for?
A. snapshot
B. .snapshot
C. snap
D. ~snapshot
Answer: B

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NO.11 Which line describes a 50M tree quota for a qtree named "mydata" on volume "vol1"? Target Type
Disk Files Thold Sdisk Sfiles
A. /vol/vol1/mydata tree 50M -
B. /vol/vol1 steve@tree 50M -
C. steve tree@/vol/vol1 50M -
D. /vol/vol1 qtree/steve 50M -
Answer: A

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NO.12 Which one of the following statements best describes the primary value of NVRAM?
A. Data integrity and improved response time for write operations
B. RAID protection
C. Data integrity and simplified backups
D. Separate processing of the network protocol stack
E. Separate processes for the disk subsystem
Answer: A

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NO.13 Which three actions can be performed with the restore command? (Choose 3)
A. View a list of files on tape.
B. Restore individual files and directories.
C. Restart a failed restore process.
D. Enter a number to specify how many filemarks should be skipped.
Answer: ABC

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NO.14 Which one of the following commands is used to modify network interfaces on the storage appliance?
A. ipconfig
B. ifconfig
C. interface
D. ipset
Answer: B

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NO.15 Please click the exhibit button.
Which of the commands from the special boot menu will zero disks and install a new file system?
A. (1) Normal boot.
B. (2) Boot without /etc/rc.
C. (3) Change password.
D. (4) Initialize all disks.
E. (5) Maintenance mode boot.
Answer: D

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NO.16 What are the syntax differences between the aggr copy command options and the vol copy command
A. Aggr copy commands are case-sensitive, but vol copy commands are not case sensitive.
B. Aggr copy options do not work at the command line.
C. Aggr copy options must be listed in alphabetical order.
D. None; the syntax for both options are the same.
Answer: D

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NO.17 If there are problems with user quotas being misapplied, the following two files should be checked:
A. /etc/quotas and /etc/rc
B. /etc/quotas and /etc/usermap.cfg
C. /etc/rc and /etc/usermap.cfg
D. /etc/quotas and /etc/quotarules
Answer: B

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NO.18 LUNs can be created using FilerView.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

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NO.19 To recover a file from a snapshot using a Windows client, what directory will a user look for?
A. snapshot
B. .snapshot
C. snap
D. ~snapshot
Answer: D

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NO.20 Which one of the following console commands indicates that all expansion cards are installed in the
appropriate slots on the system board?
A. config -v
B. vol status -r
C. sysconfig -c
D. sysconfig -t
E. sysconfig -m
Answer: C

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