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Exam Code: MB3-700
Exam Name: Microsoft (Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Installation & Configuration)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
75 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-09-29

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NO.1 Which network protocol must be enabled to allow Microsoft Dynamics GP to connect to the
SQL server?
A. Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA)
B. Shared Memory
C. Named Pipes
Answer: D

Microsoft   MB3-700 exam simulations   MB3-700

NO.2 Which network protocol is required by Microsoft Dynamics GP?
A. Named Pipes
B. Shared Memory
C. Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA)
Answer: D

Microsoft braindump   MB3-700 dumps   MB3-700 test   MB3-700

NO.3 A company initializes the system database and creates the company database by using
Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities. Which two items can be changed? (Each correct answer presents a
complete solution. Choose two.)
A. Account Framework
B. Company Database ID
C. Account Format
D. Company Name
Answer: C,D

Microsoft original questions   MB3-700   MB3-700

NO.4 You are planning a Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.
You need to configure the SQL Server to use a RAID (redundant array of independent disks)
configuration that provides mirroring and parity striping.
Which RAID configuration should you use?
D. RAID 10
Answer: D

Microsoft   MB3-700 dumps   MB3-700   MB3-700   MB3-700

NO.5 What type of records does the dexsql.log file contain?
A. SQL statements and Dexterity messages only
B. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) messages and Dexterity messages only
C. Dexterity messages, SQL statements, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) messages
D. SQL statements and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) messages only
Answer: D

Microsoft   MB3-700 questions   MB3-700   MB3-700

NO.6 Which two statements regarding using Terminal Server and virtualization with Microsoft
Dynamics GP are true? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A. Software virtualization is not supported.
B. Remote Desktop Services is supported in a WAN environment.
C. RAM requirements are less in a virtual environment.
D. Terminal Server is supported only for Microsoft Dynamics GP clients.
Answer: B,D

Microsoft   MB3-700   MB3-700 original questions

NO.7 You install a system database that uses a name other than DYNAMICS. Which statement about
the system database name is true?
A. The system database must begin with a numeric character.
B. The system database must not exceed ten characters.
C. The system database must have at least five characters.
D. The system database must contain special characters.
Answer: B

Microsoft original questions   MB3-700   MB3-700   MB3-700 exam dumps   MB3-700   MB3-700 exam dumps

NO.8 Which two SQL Server features are required for Microsoft Dynamics GP? (Each correct
answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A. Database Engine Services
B. Client Tools Connectivity
C. Integration Services
D. Data Quality Client
Answer: A,B

Microsoft   MB3-700 study guide   MB3-700
Next select the required features. For Microsoft Dynamics GP select the Database Engine
Services(A)and and Client Tools Connectivity(B)from the Shared Features list.

NO.9 Which two SQL Server sort orders are supported by Microsoft Dynamics GP? (Each correct
answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A. Alternate dictionary (sort order 61)
B. Mixed dictionary (sort order 120)
C. Binary (sort order 50)
D. Dictionary (sort order 52)
Answer: C,D

Microsoft exam dumps   MB3-700 certification   MB3-700 exam
Database Requirementsinclude: Supported Microsoft SQL Server Collation 1.
Dictionary Order Case Insensitive - Sort Order 52 or 2.Binary - Sort Order 50

NO.10 What are two effects of initializing the system database for Microsoft Dynamics GP? (Each
correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)
A. Logins for LessonUser1 and LessonUser2 are created.
B. rpt roles are created.
C. The DYNSA login is created.
D. The TWO company database is created.
Answer: C,D

Microsoft   MB3-700 test   MB3-700 certification
All GP SQL databases are owned by the DYNSA user. This is what allows the DYNSA user to perform
most administrative and maintenance tasks without requiring the 'sa' user.
By default*, certain administrative tasks requiring system-level SQL permissions such as adding new
users and adding new companies are not available to DYNSA.
D: There is a Fabrikam (TWO) company database.

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/MB3-700.html

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