LAMP ( Linux Apache Mysql PHP ) is a package which have a collection of following packages into single package. Followed by this post, i will gonna to expalain about Chive. Chive is nothing but a web based MySQL database management tool. So let we see about LAMP installation in this post.
If we wanna to install LAMP on our machine, it will have to install bunch of commands to finish it and we have to spend at-least half an our to complete it. So i found this method to reduce users time and make installation is easy, gonna to say about how done installation in single command. This LAMP package contains following bunch of packages in it.
'apache2-utils' for task 'lamp-server'
'libwrap0' for task 'lamp-server'
'libnet-daemon-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libclass-isa-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3' for task 'lamp-server'
'libswitch-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaio1' for task 'lamp-server'
'perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libhtml-template-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libdbi-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2.2-bin' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-client-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libdbd-mysql-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libapr1' for task 'lamp-server'
'libterm-readkey-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-common' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-client-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1-ldap' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2-mpm-prefork' for task 'lamp-server'
'libplrpc-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'tcpd' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2.2-common' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server' for task 'lamp-server'
'ssl-cert' for task 'lamp-server'
'php5-mysql' for task 'lamp-server'
'php5-cli' for task 'lamp-server'
'libapache2-mod-php5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1' for task 'lamp-server'
'php5-common' for task 'lamp-server'
It helps to users to install all of the above packages in just a single command. Just follow the below steps...
Installation :
If we wanna to install LAMP on our machine, it will have to install bunch of commands to finish it and we have to spend at-least half an our to complete it. So i found this method to reduce users time and make installation is easy, gonna to say about how done installation in single command. This LAMP package contains following bunch of packages in it.
'apache2-utils' for task 'lamp-server'
'libwrap0' for task 'lamp-server'
'libnet-daemon-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libclass-isa-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3' for task 'lamp-server'
'libswitch-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaio1' for task 'lamp-server'
'perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libhtml-template-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'libdbi-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2.2-bin' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-client-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libdbd-mysql-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libapr1' for task 'lamp-server'
'libterm-readkey-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-common' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-client-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1-ldap' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2-mpm-prefork' for task 'lamp-server'
'libplrpc-perl' for task 'lamp-server'
'tcpd' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
'apache2.2-common' for task 'lamp-server'
'mysql-server' for task 'lamp-server'
'ssl-cert' for task 'lamp-server'
'perl-modules' for task 'lamp-server'
'libmysqlclient18' for task 'lamp-server''php5-mysql' for task 'lamp-server'
'php5-cli' for task 'lamp-server'
'libapache2-mod-php5' for task 'lamp-server'
'libaprutil1' for task 'lamp-server'
'php5-common' for task 'lamp-server'
It helps to users to install all of the above packages in just a single command. Just follow the below steps...
Installation :
Step 1: Open a Terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or press CTRL + ALT + T
Step 2: Just type the following command
and type the password. Check the image belowsudo apt-get install lamp-server^
Now you will see the packages selected like below
now press 'YES' or 'Y' to continue.
Take a 5 minutes relax to download all the packages.
Step 3: While install mysql-client it will ask you to set password to mysql-client. So provide mysql-client password and enter confirmation password again.
Step 4: When the installation is finished open browser and type http://localhost in your browser address bar and you will see it works message. see below
Step 5 : Now Open Terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T and check whether MySQL is installed in your machine.
To do this, enter the following command...
mysql -u root -p
and enter the mysql password which you set in 3rd step to open it and now check just default databases existing in your machine by
show databases;
to exit from MySQL just type exit.
Step 6: Now check php is installed in your machine or not. Type the below command in your terminal
sudo gedit /var/www/phpinfo.php
and paste the below code in your editor
Save and exit the editor.<?php
Step 7: Go to browser and enter the url http://localhost/phpinfo.php in your address bar.
If the php is installed you will get the output like this.
If you are have any queries post here. We will help you.
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