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Exam Code: 642-270
Exam Name: Cisco (Implementing Cisco TelePresence Video Networking Solutions Exam)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
57 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-09-26

ITCertMaster has special training tools for Cisco certification 642-270 exam, which can make you do not need to spend a lot of time and money but can get a lot of knowledge of IT technology to enhance your skills in a short time. And soon you will be able to prove your expertise knowledge and technology in IT industry. ITCertMaster's training courses for Cisco certification 642-270 exam is developed by the study of ITCertMaster experts team to use their knowledge and experience.

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NO.1 Which statement describe the Hard-lock VIP mode of a Cisco TelePresence Multipoint
A. No Cisco TelePresence endpoint is allowed to join without the VIP approval.
B. No Cisco TelePresence endpoint is allowed to joinuntil the designated VIP Cisco TelePresence
endpoint joins.
C. VIP video is switched out temporarily with voice-activatedswitching; VIP video is switched back
D. VIP video is always displayed at all sites and is never switched out.
Answer: D

Cisco practice test   642-270 certification   642-270 original questions   642-270   642-270

NO.2 On a Cisco TelePresence CLI, which command is the correct syntax to run a traceroute to a remote
A. network traceroute {dest}
B. tracert {dest}
C. utils network tracert {dest}
D. set tracert {dest}
Answer: C

Cisco test   642-270   642-270 pdf   642-270

NO.3 On a Cisco TelePresence CLI, which command is the correct syntax to get Layer 2 address of all
connected devices?
A. show arp list
B. utils arp list
C. arp list active
D. arp list list
E. show arp active
Answer: B

Cisco braindump   642-270 demo   642-270 study guide

NO.4 Given the following:
Cisco TelePresence endpoint A: In the Cisco Unified Communication Manager, Quality is set to High
detail, Good Motion 720p
Cisco TelePresence endpoint B: In the Unified CM, Quality is set to High detail, Best Motion 1080p
What happens when Cisco TelPresence endpoint A calls Cisco TelePresence endpoint B?
A. Cisco TelePresence endpoint A gets a fast busy.
B. The call connects, but it drops witha ° C on fi gu r a ti on m i s m a t c ¡± e r ro r o n C i sc o T el e Pr esenc e endp oin t B
C. Cisco TelePresence endpoint B quality upgrades to 1080p and the call goes through at 1080p.
D. Cisco TelePresence endpoint B quality drops down to 720p and the call goes through at 720p.
Answer: D

Cisco   642-270 questions   642-270

NO.5 Which QoS mapping is the best practice for Cisco TelePresence systems?
A. CoS 5 to map to a DSCP value of 40
B. CoS 4 to map to a DSCP value of 46
C. CoS 3 to map to a DSCP value of 48
D. CoS 5 to map to a DSCP value of 16
E. CoS 4 to map to a DSCP value of 32
Answer: E

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/642-270.html

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