Firefox is the number one browser which is used by billions of people on worldwide to browse the internet. Firefox beats all releases of other browser clients. Because it has easiest GUI and provides multiple features like bookmarking, multiple toolbars and the famous feature of addons. There are millions of addons are written for firefox to improve browsing feature to users.

Firefox frequently fixes the bugs in older version and improves some features and presents it as newer version of update. Many users want frequent update from firefox.

Ubuntu also offers frequent updates. But it offers only the stable versions. If suppose you wanna to update to latest versions like alpha, beta and stable versions of latest releases you can able to install it by adding firefox update of ppa to software update repository. Just follow the steps.

Step 1 : Open Terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Enter the following command to add repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next

Step 3 : Then update the software index cache by

sudo apt-get update

Step 4 : Now install latest version of firefox by
sudo apt-get install firefox

Check the download, the latest release of firefox version 25 is downloading and it will be automatically installed after the download finished. Take a 2 minutes relax. That's all, Done! ENjoy with latest release!!!

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