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Exam Code: HP2-B68
Exam Name: HP (HP AC Integration and Support Technical-Job Accounting)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
40 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-08

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NO.1 When using HP Access Control Job Accounting with Quota, which Microsoft Windows
Application Server component must be installed.?
B. Application Server Console
C. Message Queuing
D. DTC access
Answer: A

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NO.2 What is the best HP Access Control Job Accounting data collector for locally connected devices?
A. Print Client
B. Direct Tracking Module
C. Print Server
D. In-Printer Agent
Answer: D

HP   HP2-B68   HP2-B68 braindump   HP2-B68 answers real questions

NO.3 Which limitation does the HP Access Control Job Accounting Direct Tracking Module have when
performing a printer discovery?
A. It is limited to the local subnet.
B. A maximum of 50 printers can be discovered.
C. Single function devices are not found.
Answer: C

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/HP2-B68.html

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