Ubuntu Tweak is an application/Tool which is designed for Ubuntu OS to easy to configure the system and desktop settings. Ubuntu Tweak provides many useful desktop and system options that the default desktop environment doesn't provide. But it will not available to install directly from your Software center. To install it you want to add PPA to your machine.

Changes in Ubuntu Tweak Version 0.8.6 

-> Added support for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander
-> Dropped support for Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric
-> Old kernels clean up improvement
-> Disable appcenter and sourcecenter

Two ways of Installation...
1. Installation by using command prompt:

Step 1 : Open terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Add PPA to your system by

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa

Step 3 : Update the software index by

sudo apt-get update

Step 4 : Now install Ubuntu Tweak by

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

2. Installation by downloading deb file :

If you want to install by downloading deb file from net. Just click the download button to download the Ubuntu Tweak v0.8.6 deb file and install it.

Check the screen shots below...

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