Linux Kernel is an Unix like Operating System which developed by Linus Torvalds at sep 1991. After that linux lovers who loves the linux started to development work on it. Still now they are developming the linux with mutilple features. By latest linux kernel version 3.12 is released. But we taken stable version of 3.11.2 for the installation.

Kernel manages all the operations on Operating System. See the below image for clear understanding.

Today i'm gonna to say about easiest installation/upgradation method of latest version of kernel v3.11.2 on ubuntu.

We can install/upgrade kernel v3.11.2 in multiple ways. Using wget method, we need internet connection to download packages from net. Having good bandwidth users are not worry about to use this method. For users who they not have a net connection or low speed connection offline installation is good one. But offline installation is also comes in two ways.

  1. Using deb file to insall/upgrade the latest version of kernel ( EASIEST METHOD )
  2. Kernel Compilation, Configuration and installation ( Somewhat Hard )

So, now we are gonna to see about Easiest Method of installation of kernel in this Post. Followed by next post, we will show the second method of installation of kernel. Just follow the steps.

Step 1: Open the Terminal by Accessories → Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : First check your ubuntu version and current kernel version which is installed in your machine. Enter the following commands in Terminal to check the versions.

For Ubuntu Version =>  lsb_release -a

For Kernel Version =>   uname -r

Step 3 : Go to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11.2-saucy/and download the linux image of deb file, which suitable for your distributions.

32Bit users download 

64Bit users download 

Step 4 : Copy the downloaded image file to home folder.

Step 5: First update the cache of the packages installed in your machine by
sudo apt-get update

Now enter the following command in your terminal

sudo dpkg -i linux-image*.deb

Wait for a minute. The downloaded package will be extracted and install the latest version of kernel.

Step 6 : When the installation is finished run the following command

sudo update-grub

Step 7 : You must be restart your machine now.

Step 8 : After restared your machine now check your kernel version. Enter the following same command to check the kernel version

uname -r

Now you will see your updated kernel version in your machine.

If you have any queries, post here in comments. We will help you.

Thank you.

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