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Exam Code: 006-002
Exam Name: MYSQL (Certified MySQL 5.0 DBA Part II)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
140 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-02

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NO.1 Which of the following would be considered a good candidate table for compression?
A. A table with data that needs only few updates in the future.
B. A table with data that will not be updated in the future.
C. A large table, such as those used for data warehousing.
D. All MyISAM tables are good candidates for compression.
Answer: B

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NO.2 The stored function year_to_date is created by the 'root'@'localhost' account as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION year_to_date ()
Within the routine body, a number of calculations are made on data in the financials table and the
calculated value is returned. The only account which can access the financials table is 'root'@'localhost'.
If a client connects with the account 'joe'@'localhost' and calls the year_to_date function, what will
A. The function will not execute, as 'joe'@'localhost' does not have access to the financials table
B. The function will not execute as SQL SECURITY DEFINER has been specified. It would execute if
instead SQL SECURITY INVOKER had been specified
C. The function will always execute as if it was 'root'@'localhost' that invoked it since SQL SECURITY
DEFINER has been specified.
D. If the account 'joe'@'localhost' has the EXECUTE privilege on year_to_date, the function will complete
Answer: D

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NO.3 Which of the following statements are true of compressed tables?
A. They can be uncompressed.
B. They can not be uncompressed.
C. They can be uncompressed but some data corruption may occur.
Answer: A

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NO.4 The user 'joe' connecting from the host example.com has full access to all databases on the server:
mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'joe'@'example.com';
| Grants for joe@example.com |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'joe'@'example.com' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
You need to restrict the user from accessing the mysql database. Will the following statement do this?
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON mysql.* FROM 'joe'@'example.com'
A. Yes
B. No
C. The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.
Answer: B

MYSQL   006-002   006-002   006-002

NO.5 What kind of replication is supported by the MySQL server?
A. Multiple-master replication
B. Master to slave replication
C. Single file based clustering
D. MySQL doesn't support replication
Answer: B

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NO.6 When performing diagnostic functions on a server should excessive start and stop messages be looked
for in the error log, and why?
A. No, start and stop messages are of no relevance to diagnostics.
B. Yes, because there is a bug in mysqld that can cause multiple start and stop messages to be inserted
in the log.
C. No, because they will not provide any information as to what is wrong.
D. Yes, because they can indicate that there is something causing the server to restart unexpectedly and
not due to normal startup and shutdown.
Answer: D

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NO.7 In the following query, the Population column is indexed:
-> FROM Country
-> WHERE Code LIKE '%B%' AND Population > 10000
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: Country
type: ALL
possible_keys: i_pop
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 239
Extra: Using where
Which of the following best describes how to deal with the key value of the EXPLAIN output?
Answer: BC

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NO.8 Which of the following best describe the effects on performance for the dynamic-row format for
MyISAM has?
A. Retrievals are more complex and slower.
B. Retrievals are less complex and are faster.
C. Rows generally take up less disk space than fixed-row format.
D. Rows generally take up more disk space than fixed-row format.
Answer: AC

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NO.9 Is it possible to tell the MySQL server to throw an error on division-by-zero rather than converting it to
NULL and a warning?
A. No, it has to be done programmatically.
B. Yes, by updating a system variable.
C. Yes, there is a SQL mode that exists for that.
D. No, division-by-zero is always converted regardless of any setting.
Answer: C

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NO.10 In regards to security, which of the following statements are true?
A. mysqld should not be run as root or administrator.
B. mysqld should be run as root or administrator.
C. The user owning the server process should own all files and directories to which the server may write.
D. The root or admininistrator users should own all files related to the server process
Answer: AC

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NO.11 Which of the following best describes what MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS provides?
A. The path of the log file.
B. The file to log replication actions to.
C. The masters binary log name used for replication.
D. The position in the masters binary log in which to start replication.
Answer: CD

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NO.12 Which of the following best describes why InnoDB tables should always have primary keys and why
they should be short?
A. Because InnoDB uses primary keys to locate tables, and shorter keys make quicker lookups.
B. Because InnoDB uses primary keys to locate table rows, and shorter keys make quicker lookups.
C. Because InnoDB stores pointers in a log to all the primary keys and shorter keys make this log smaller.
Answer: B

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NO.13 Which of the following is/are valid reasons to consider using --skip-networking?
A. Your server is not networked to other servers.
B. You do not have a need for remote clients to connect.
C. You have a need for remote clients to connect.
D. You are not going to use replication or clustering.
Answer: B

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NO.14 Can multi-column FULLTEXT indexes be used? If so, when?
A. No, they can not be used.
B. Yes, they should be used to search multiple columns simultaneously.
C. Yes, they can be used to search either one or all of the indexed columns.
Answer: B

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NO.15 Consider the following:
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT Name FROM Country WHERE Code = 'CAN'
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: Country
type: const
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 3
ref: const
rows: 1
Which of the following best describes the meaning of the value of the type column?
A. The table has exactly one row.
B. Several rows may be read from the table.
C. Only one row of all its rows need to be read.
Answer: C

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NO.16 What are reasons to prefer using GRANT and REVOKE statements over editing the privilege tables
A. Using GRANT and REVOKE allows the server to figure out the right tables and do all the appropriate
B. All grant tables in memory are immediately updated on GRANT and REVOKE
C. Making changes directly to the grant tables, one must remember to execute flush privileges to make
the changes take effect
D. GRANT and REVOKE statements allow you to do more fine-grained tuning of user privileges than
does editing the grant tables directly.
E. None of the above
Answer: ABC

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NO.17 Which of the following statements are true regarding the structure of grant tables in new distributions?
A. They change with every upgrade.
B. They are often changed.
C. They remain the same for backwards compatibility.
Answer: B

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NO.18 Which of the following are important network factors for remote MySQL clients?
A. Latency.
B. Firewalls.
C. Throughput speed.
D. The type of routers used.
Answer: AC

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NO.19 For which of the following objects can privileges be specified?
A. Host
B. Global
C. Database
D. Table
E. Column
F. Row
Answer: BCDE

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NO.20 Which of the following optimizations could be made based on data collected in the slow query log?
A. Tune server parameters.
B. Change the storage engines in use.
C. Make changes to the network infrastructure.
D. Rewrite queries to perform more efficiently.
E. Normalize data or add indexes to the tables that the queries use.
Answer: ABDE

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NO.21 Which of the following best describes what the master.info file contains and how it is used?
A. It contains the values from the CHANGE MASTER statement.
B. When the slave restarts it looks for which master to use from this file.
C. It contains information about the master server, its slaves and its configuration.
D. It is used by an administrator to determine what slaves connect to the master, and other information
about the master server.
Answer: AB

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NO.22 Does max_connections have an affect on the number of slaves that may connect to a master?
A. No, because slaves are not really clients.
B. Yes, because each slave is effectively a connected user.
C. No, because slaves do not use the same type of connection as a regular client.
D. Yes, because if the server has too many connections, it may slow the slaves down.
Answer: B

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NO.23 Assuming that the user account 'joe'@'example.com' exists, executing DROP USER
'joe'@'example.com' has the following consequences:
A. The user account will immediately be removed from the server, if no object-level privileges are in effect
for that account
B. The account will be removed from the server the next time FLUSH PRIVILEGES is executed, if no
object-level privileges are in effect for that account
C. The account and all associated privileges will immediately be removed from the server
D. The user account and all associated privileges will be removed from the server the next time FLUSH
PRIVILEGES is executed.
Answer: C

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NO.24 The type of file system you chose may affect MySQL use and/or performance with regard to...
A. Table opening time.
B. Size limits of files.
C. Time to recover from a crash.
D. The number of users MySQL can handle.
E. The type of storage engines that can be used.
Answer: ABC

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NO.25 Which of the following statements best describe the key buffer?
A. It is a global buffer.
B. It is set on a per-connection basis.
C. It caches index blocks for MyISAM tables only.
D. It caches index blocks for InnoDB tables only.
E. It caches index blocks for all storage engine tables.
Answer: AC

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NO.26 When working with replication, why might you want to stop the SQL thread on the slave while keeping
the I/O thread running?
A. So that no changes are made while making backups.
B. So that events for the slave do not get backlogged on the master.
C. So that remaining events can be processed while not receiving new events from the master.
Answer: AB

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NO.27 How can stored routines be used to check for constraints or legality of incoming data?
A. They can make use of the VALIDATE DEFINER setting.
B. They can not be used to check for constraints or legality of data.
C. They can check and only perform an action if the incoming values match a specified value.
Answer: C

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NO.28 Consider the following EXPLAIN output.
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT Name FROM City WHERE Population > 8000000
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: City
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 4079
Extra: Using where
Which of the following statements are true?
A. The query cannot be optimized any better.
B. No index could be used to perform the query.
C. All 4079 rows of the table need to examined.
D. The Name column should be indexed.
E. The Population column should be indexed.
Answer: BCE

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NO.29 Which of the following statements are true regarding wildcards in the host name of an account
A. The '%' character is used to match any number of characters or numbers
B. The '*' character is used to match any number of characters or numbers
C. The '_' character is used to match any number of characters or numbers
D. The '.' character is used to match any single character or number
E. Wildcards may be used to match any number of characters at the beginning of the host name or IP
address only
F. Wildcards may be used to match any number of characters at the end of the host name or IP address
G. Wildcards may be used to match any number of characters anywhere in the host name or IP address
Answer: AG

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NO.30 What type of resource limitations may be placed on a user account with the GRANT statement?
A. The number of times per hour that an account is allowed to connect to the server
B. The number of queries per hour an account is allowed to issue
C. The number of updates per hour an account is allowed to issue
D. The maximum number of simultaneous connections an account can have
E. Resource limits can only be specified globally, not per-account
F. MySQL does not have provisions for limiting resource usage
Answer: ABCD

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