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Exam Code: 000-M71
Exam Name: IBM (IBM Information Management Content Management OnDemand Technical Mastery Test v1)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
38 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-11

IBM 000-M71 certification exam is among those popular IT certifications. It is also the dream of ambitious IT professionals. This part of the candidates need to be fully prepared to allow them to get the highest score in the 000-M71 exam, make their own configuration files compatible with market demand.

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NO.1 An OnDemand system is being configured to use Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) to archive documents.
What task must be performed to make TSM storage available to the OnDemand system?
A. Install TSM on the object server and configure it to provide an archive storage pool for theOnDemand
B. Install TSM on the library server and configure it to provide a backup storage pool for theOnDemand
C. Configure a client (storage) node in each TSM storage pool that will be used to storeOnDemand data
D. Install and configure an HTTP server on the object server to handle storage requests
betweenOnDemand and TSM
Answer: C

IBM   000-M71   000-M71

NO.2 In order to create a default date-range search option for a search to specify the most recent 3 months,
which of the following actions must be performed?
A. Change the Application Group (Field Information tab) default date-range interval
B. Change the Application (Load Information tab) default date-range interval
C. Change the Folder (Field Information tab) default date-range interval
D. Change the Folder (Field Definition tab) Mapping Type from single to range
Answer: C

IBM answers real questions   000-M71   000-M71 test   000-M71   000-M71

NO.3 By default, an OnDemand User Administrator can create what types of users?
A. Only User
B. User and User Administrator
C. User, User Administrator, Application Group/Folder/Cabinet Administrator
D. Any user type
Answer: B

IBM pdf   000-M71 original questions   000-M71   000-M71 questions

NO.4 Failure to designate at least one date or date/time field as egment?will cause which of the following to
occur during a search operation?Failure to designate at least one date or date/time field as ?egment?will
cause which of the following to occur during a search operation?
A. end-users will not be able to search using a date field
B. all database tables belonging to that Application Group will be searched, potentially causing poor
C. end-users will receive a warning message( field has not been identified as a database segment
field)end-users will receive a warning message (? field has not been identified as a database segment
D. the document indexes will never expire whenarsmaint is run
Answer: B

IBM test questions   000-M71   000-M71   000-M71 original questions

NO.5 An OnDemand application is being created to load very large reports (1000+ pages each). In order to
provide better usability and retrieval performance, what option should be selected on the Load
Information tab?
A. disable data compression
B. change the Compressed Object Size to at least the size of the largest report
C. specify Large Object
D. choose the appropriate Data Compression option only after testing sample reports for the best
compression factor
Answer: C

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/000-M71.html

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