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Exam Code: HP3-L05
Exam Name: HP ( HP Storage 3PAR Presales)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
34 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-11-20

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NO.1 How does the 3PAR Inform operating system solve storage challenges? (Select two.)
A.autonomic storage tiering
B.multi-tenancy for service providers and private clouds
C.reservation-based storage systems
D.special-purpose storage products
E.lower subscription levels
Answer: AB

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NO.2 Which statements are true about F-Class storage servers? (Select two.)
A.They have a higher max capacity than the T-Class storage servers.
B.They are compatible with the T-Class storage servers.
C.They do not complement the T-Class storage servers.
D.They are cost-reduced InServ storage servers.
E.They are for larger deployment opportunities than the T-Class storage servers.
Answer: CD

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NO.3 For which customers does 3PAR offer the ideal solution? (Select two.)
A.hosting service provider
B.small branch office
C.mid-size company
D.cloud storage service
Answer: AD

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