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Exam Code: 070-415
Exam Name: Microsoft (Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
65 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-11-02

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NO.1 Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com.
The domain has Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager installed.
You need to ensure that you can modify boot images by using the Configuration Manager console.
What should you do?
A. Create a custom task sequence.
B. Install the Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK).
C. Install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2012.
D. Create a deployment package.
Answer: C

Microsoft exam   070-415   070-415   070-415   070-415

NO.2 Your network contains two Remote Desktop Services (RDS) session collections named
Collection 1 and Collection2.
Each user has a laptop computer that runs Windows 8.
The users frequently log on to sessions in Collection1 and Collection2.
You need to recommend a user state virtualization solution to meet the following requirements:
Ensure that the user profiles remain the same when the users log on to their laptop computer and
virtual desktop.
Minimize the time required to log on.
What should you implement?
A. Folder Redirection and user profile disks
B. User profiles for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and roaming profiles
C. User profiles for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Folder Redirection
D. Roaming profiles and Folder Redirection
Answer: D

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NO.3 Your network contains a managed pooled virtual desktop collection named Collection1.
Collection1 contains five virtual desktops named VD1, VD2, VD3, VD4, and VD5.
You need to deploy an application named App1 to the virtual machines. App1 must be available as
quickly as possible to every user who uses a virtual desktop.
What should you do?
A. Run the Recreate All Virtual Desktops wizard, and then install App1 on the parent virtual
B. Install App1 on the parent virtual machine, and then run the Recreate All Virtual Desktops wizard.
C. Run the Recreate All Virtual Desktops wizard, and then install App1 on each virtual desktop.
D. Install App1 on each virtual desktop, and then run the Recreate All Virtual Desktops wizard.
Answer: B

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NO.4 You plan to deploy a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) that has RemoteFX USB redirection
You need to identify which USB devices can be redirected to the Remote Desktop sessions.
Which devices should you identify? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose all
that apply.)
A. a network adapter
B. a smart card reader
C. a webcam
D. a Voice over IP (VoIP) headset
D. a scanner
Answer: C,D,E

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NO.5 Your network contains 100 virtual desktops that are hosted on a Remote Desktop Services
(RDS) collection.
All RDS servers run Windows Server 2012.
You need to recommend changes to the Remote Desktop environment to meet the following
Minimize the amount of bandwidth used by Remote Desktop sessions.
Minimize the amount of hardware resources used by the RDS servers.
What should you recommend changing?
More than one answer choice may achieve the goal. Select the BEST answer.
A. The screen resolution settings
B. The Configure RemoteFX adaptive graphics Group Policy object (GPO) setting
C. The Configure RemoteFX lossless graphics data Group Policy object (GPO) setting
D. The Configure compression for RemoteFX data Group Policy object (GPO) setting
Answer: A

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NO.6 Your network contains a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
The VDI contains five Hyper-V hosts. The Hyper-V hosts are in a failover cluster.
You need to recommend a solution to distribute automatically the virtual desktops based on the
current resource usage of the Hyper-V hosts.
What should you include in the recommendation?
A. Microsoft System Center 2012 virtual Machine Manager (VMM)
B. Hyper-V Replica Broker
C. Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM)
D. Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
Answer: A

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/070-415.html

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