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Exam Code: 9A0-182
Exam Name: Adobe (Flex 4.5 ACE Exam )
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96 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-11-05

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NO.1 You have created a Flex application that contains a custom component with the id of myComp The
Application class needs to be altered whenever a property named score is updated inside myComp.
Which approach should be used to implement this functionality while encapsulation?
A. myComp would dispatch a custom event when score is changed
B. The Application anon class would bind to the score property in myComp
C. The Application class would add an event listener to the control updating score in myComp
D. The score property would be changed to a public property
Answer: A

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NO.2 Give the ActionScript class:
public class MyClass implements IResizable { }
What can be said about MyClass?
A. MyClass inherits all the functionality of the IResizable class
B. MyClass is the super class of the IResizable class
C. IResizable is the super class of MyClass
D. MyClass must have all methods defined in IResizable
Answer: D

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NO.3 Given the following snippet var ac ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection().
ac addItem(1).
ac addItem(2).
var kuint = ac[1]
What is the value of k?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer: B

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NO.4 Which annotation is used in an ActionScript class to map it to a corresponding Java class
A. [RemoteObject]
B. [Bindable]
C. [RemoteClass]
D. [ClassMap]
Answer: C

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NO.5 When design pattern is used to define the passing of typed data between the client and remote server?
A. Mediator
B. Factory
C. Fa ade
D. Data transfer Object
Answer: D

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NO.6 Which statement describes the access rules for a variable marked as private?
A. Any class
B. Any class that extends the class
C. The class itself
D. Other classes in the same package
Answer: C

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NO.7 You are creating a custom component, MyComp based on the UIComponent class. What statement
correctly declares the MyComp class.?
A. Public class MyComp extend UIComponent 0
B. Public class MyComp implements UIComponent 0
C. Public class UIComponent as MyComp 0
D. Public class MyComp base UIComponent
Answer: A

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NO.8 Which statement describes ArrayList and ArrayCollection components?
A. Both ArrayList and ArrayCollection can be used as data providers for Spark list-based controls
B. ArrayList collection are sortable and filterable
C. When using an Array as a data provider for a Spark list-based control, it will automatically be wrapped
within ArrayList
D. ArrayList supports cursors, unlike ArrayCollection
Answer: A

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NO.9 What is the return type of the E4X statement: imageData.image
B. XMLList
C. String
D. Array
Answer: A

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NO.10 Given the following code:
user firstName = "Bruno";
Which declaration would enable you to set the firstName property as shown?
A. public functionsetFirstName (value String):void{}
B. public function getFirstName{}: String{}
C. public function get firstName():void{}
D. public function set firstName(value String):void{}
Answer: D

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