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Exam Code: LOT-917
Exam Name: IBM (Administering IBM Connections 3.0)
Guaranteed success with practice guides, No help, Full refund!
65 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-10-31

ITCertMaster IT Certification has years of training experience. ITCertMaster IBM LOT-917 exam training materials is a reliable product. IT elite team continue to provide our candidates with the latest version of the LOT-917 exam training materials. Our staff made ​​great efforts to ensure that you always get good grades in examinations. To be sure, ITCertMaster IBM LOT-917 exam materials can provide you with the most practical IT certification material.

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NO.1 Baxter just installed the Search application on multiple nodes. What configuration does Baxter need to
perform to initialize the search index on all nodes?
A. Set SEARCH_INDEX_DIR on all nodes to the same network share
B. Copy the search index to the same place on each node
C. Build the search index on each node
D. Nothing; the index is automatically created across all the nodes
Answer: B

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NO.2 Juan is preparing Tivoli Directory Integrator to populate and maintain Profiles records, and he must
configure the environment so that the Connections and Tivoli Directory Integrator solution tasks can
connect to the database hosting the Profiles database. How does he configure the database drivers so
that they are available to the solution?
A. He copies the database JDBC drivers to the jvm/jre/lib/ext subdirectory of the Tivoli Directory Integrator
B. No driver configuration is necessary, because all database connections are managed by the database
client software.
C. He updates the Tivoli Directory Integrator solution's profiles_tdi.properties file, and sets the
dbrepos_jdbc_driver property to a local directory path containing the database JDBC drivers.
D. He updates the ibmdisrv file in the Tivoli Directory Integrator installation directory and adds a the local
directory path containing the database JDBC drivers using the "-driverpath" parameter on the Java
invocation command.
Answer: D

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NO.3 Arthur, the administrator, has just configured the <languageSelector> element in the
LotusConnections-config.xml file with a value of defaultLanguage="en" and no additional langage
elements listed. What is the user experience for Miguel, a user, when he accesses Connections features
with a locale setting of "es" (Spanish) in his browser?
A. The language that Miguel can view the Connections interface in a web browser is based on his
B. The default value of the server operating system that Connections was installed on is French, so
Miguel is only able to see the user interface in French.
C. Because the default language is "en" and no additional language elements are included in the
LotusConnections-config.xml file, Miguel only sees the English Connections interface.
D. Miguel sees the user interface in Spanish because the browser locale setting overrides the default
language setting in the LotusConnections-config.xml file. But, he can select any language that he wants
from the toggle button.
Answer: C

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NO.4 Baxter has just finished installing everything in Connections except Files and Wikis. He has now
changed his mind and decided that they need Files. What must Baxter do to install Files?
A. Install the Files.ear file from within the WebSphere Application Server administration console.
B. Connections needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled with Files.
C. Files is always installed, it just needs to be enabled.
D. Use the IBM Installation Manager, select Modify, and add Files.
Answer: D

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NO.5 Joe has installed and enabled the mobile feature. He has been using the self-signed SSL certificate
produced by WebSphere Application Server, rather than having a trusted certificate.
What must he do to allow iPhone and iPod Touch users to access secure pages from their devices without
receiving warnings about the untrusted certificate?
A. The mobile feature does not support authenticated access or HTTPS communication.
B. The mobile feature does not support authenticated access or HTTPS communication.
C. Nothing. The iPhone and iPod Touch devices automatically trust the self-signed certificate and allow
the user to access Connections information without warnings being shown.
D. Send an email to his users with the certificate as an attachment, ask them to open the
attachment from the device. When they do, the device recognizes it, and installs the certificate.
Answer: D

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NO.6 When you installed Connections you specified Oracle for the RDBMS system to store data. What must
you do to enable the applications to use the JDBC driver?
A. Install the Oracle thin client on all WebSphere Application Server nodes.
B. Install the Oracle thin client on the deployment manager and stop and restart all nodes.
C. Copy the Oracle JDBC driver to the same location on all nodes.
D. Install Oracle SQL Plus on all WebSphere Application Server nodes and configure the TNS Listener
with the Oracle server connection URL.
Answer: C

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NO.7 Patrick has defined an IBM HTTP Server and mapped his installed features to it. However, he still sees
that the port numbers are in the URL when he uses a link from the navigation bar. What is the most likely
reason this is happening?
A. The host alias has not been defined for his features.
B. The feature's port numbers have not been removed from the serverindex.xml file.
C. The feature's port numbers must be removed from the IBM HTTP Servers httpd.conf file.
D. The feature's port numbers have not been removed from the LotusConnections-config.xml file.
Answer: D

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NO.8 Dahlia is installing Connections on a Microsoft Windows operating system. She has chosen to use the
text installation command window instead of the graphical one. Which of the following commands allows
her to launch the installation console interface on Microsoft Windows?
A. install_root.sh
B. No console install option exists in Connections 3. Dahlia must use the silent installation process
C. install.bat -console
D. LCconfig.exe -console
Answer: B

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NO.9 Judy wrote an audit tool that plugs into Connections using the Event SPI. How is an Event SPI
implementation deployed?
A. The extension is a stand-alone JAR file that must be added to every EAR file. This process can be
manually copied to the EAR or deployed using the WebSphere Application Server admininstrative
application update tools.
B. Judy must create a WAR file that must then be deployed to every EAR file that you want to audit. The
LotusConnections-config.xml file must be updated by adding a new service entry.
C. The extension must be included in an EAR file and deployed to an existing or new cluster. The
LotusConnections-config.xml file must be updated by adding a new service entry.
D. The extension is deployed as a WebSphere Application Server shared library.
Answer: D

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NO.10 Bob needs to configure federated repositories using LDAP over SSL. Identify which of the following
tasks is not required to enable SSL communication over LDAP.?
A. Change the port number to the SSL port of the LDAP server.
B. Select the SSL alias defined by Bob in the trust store in the federated repositories configuration.
C. Add a signer certificate to the trust store in WebSphere Application Server by retrieving the certificate
from the LDAP port.
D. Generate a self-signed certificate with an alias using the ikey manager utility and add it to the
Websphere Application Server certificate store.
Answer: D

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