Mobile  Phone Bima Fareast Islami Life Insurance co Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh


Fareast overview

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Fareast Islami Life Insurance Co. Ltd. emerged as the 1st full-fledged Islami Life Insurance Company in the country in 2000 and have, by the grace of Almighty Allah, been able to bring confidence among the common people of the country.
Our Company has earned a total premium income of Tk. 707.46 crore, the highest among Bangladeshi Life Insurance Companies in the year 2012. The Life fund increased to taka 2,080.42 crore from taka 1,648.65 crore. The growth of life fund in the year of 2012 is 26.19% which is satisfactory and the financial position of the company is very sound since the assets increased to taka 629.85 crore.
Last year we had taken a holistic approach in doing business with focus on quality customer service and business growth with decentralization of operational activities. With that in view, we have already opened 1012 Offices including 10 Divisional offices, 38 full-fledged Service Centers and 112 Zonal Offices in different places all over the country.

Faeast Islami Life Insurance Ltd.


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