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Exam Code: C_PXSUP_90
Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certified Associate - Support Consultant for Incident Management with SAP Business All-in-One)
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80 Questions and Answers
Updated: 2013-11-05

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NO.1 How long are local system log entries kept available in SM21?
A. Until the next system restart
B. Until the entry is overwritten (circular file)
C. Until the name of the system log file is changed manually
D. Until the records are replicated to the central system log (usually after one hour)
Answer: B

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NO.2 What can you do if a program behaves differently in batch than in a dialog? (Choose two)
A. Search globally in the program for SY-BATCH.
B. Run the program in dialog and change SY-BATCH in the debugger to simulate batch processing.
C. Run the program in batch and click on DEBUGGING.
D. Run the program in batch and select Environment Analysis.
Answer: A,B

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NO.3 Which of the following are events of a report program? (Choose two)
Answer: A,B

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NO.4 Which tool of the ABAP Workbench do you use to create global date types and database tables?
A. ABAP Editor
B. Data Dictionary
C. Screen Painter
Answer: B

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NO.5 How can you switch to the debugging mode?
A. Enter /h in the command field
B. Enter /debug in the command field
C. Enter /debugging in the command field
D. Choose Help? Debugging
Answer: A


NO.6 What kind of function modules may include changes to database tables? (Choose two)
A. Normal function module
B. Remote enabled function module
C. Update function module
D. No function modules at all. Database changes are usually not performed in function module.
Answer: B,C

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NO.7 Which information is displayed when you choose the menu path System - Status? (Choose two)
A. Transaction Code, for example, VA01
B. Development Class (Package), for example, VA
C. Database platform and release, for example, Oracle
D. Customer Number
Answer: A,C

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NO.8 What is the function of the F4 key? (Choose two)
A. Display the possible entries.
B. Search for possible entries.
C. Add or remove a value to/from the list of possible entries.
D. Display documentation on possible entries.
Answer: A,B

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NO.9 You have to analyze a job that is currently processing a long running SELECT statement on a
database table. Via transaction 'SM50 - details', you see that the read does not finish.
What can you do?
A. You have to wait until the program returns from the database. Afterwards, you can continue analysis
(for example, with debugging or SQL-Trace).
B. You can analyze the currently processed statement using ST04 - detailed analysis.
C. You can analyze the currently processed statement by starting the SQL-Trace (ST05).
Answer: B

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NO.10 Which of the following transactions allows you to find out whether a particular ABAP program (for
example, RMMMPERI or Z_DELETE_ALL_FI_DATA) has been executed at a certain time in the past.?
(Choose two)
A. SM50 (Workprocess overview)
B. SM66 (Systemwide Workprocess overview)
C. ST03 (Workload analysis)
D. ST03N (Workload analysis)
Answer: C,D

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Article Link: http://www.itcertmaster.com/C_PXSUP_90.html

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