Cinnamon is a Gnome 3 desktop environment than have a panel at the bottom of the window with Classic Menu. It is good for people who like to have menu bar in bottom like windows OS menu. Now version 2.0.6 of Cinnamon is released now. The developer team announced ,

--> This new version will be featured in Linux Mint 16 “Petra” planned for the end of November and will then be backported to LMDE and Linux Mint 13 LTS.

--> Cinnamon 2.0 represents 5 months of development and 856 commits from 28 developers. It features a lot of bug fixes but also brand new features and many improvements.
Features / Changes in Cinnamon 2.0 :

  • Cinnamon Backend 2.0
  • Window manager improvements
  • Settings are now localized using both your localization files and global Cinnamon translations.
  • Nemo Improvements
  • Better localization, date formats, centralized translations
  • Better User Management
  • Added support for LightDM user-switching and guest user sessions Edge-Snapping
  • Better Edge-Tiling
  • Added support for MDM user-switching and MDM integration in the System Settings
  • Improved support for systemd/logind
  • Improved Sound Effects

Cinnamon 2.0 Installation : 

Step 1 : Open terminal by Accessories -> Terminal or CTRL+ALT+T

Step 2 : Add PPA to your machine to add cinnamon repository. Just enter the following command in your terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/cinnamon-stable

Step 3 : Now update software repostiory by

sudo apt-get update 

Step 4 : Then install cinnamon 2.0 by copy and paste the following command in terminal.

sudo apt-get install cinnamon

Step 5 : When you are finished the installation, restart your machine and select login desktop-environment  as Cinnamon or Cinnamon 2D

That's all. you are done!!! Enjoy.

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