This just goes to show that no one method is suitable for all learners, and each individual should pick the one that makes learning easiest.
On a final note Asif said, “Magic is a field where there’s very little competition and hence it’s easy to stand out. The best fringe benefit of magic is how you can have a lasting impression on the audience’s mind, make them wonder. It’s ironic how most audiences know that you are deceiving them, but for a minute or two, they don’t mind because magic can give them hope that miracles happen. It’s the look on their faces, the ability to distract them from their troubles and miseries that has kept me going for years. Once you can feel that, there’s nothing that can stop you from excelling in magic!”
Fahd wishes to change the concept of magic in Bangladesh. “I hope to bring the magic scene in our country to a standard level and highly encourage young people to devote themselves to this forgotten art.” He said.
If you are looking for a quirky hobby, try your luck at a few tricks and maybe you will fall in love with it, just like these two, and be able to bring that little hint of magic in people’s lives that they look for everyday.

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