Thanks to AMT's Diyana Hrzic for the GREAT JOB editing ALL of these videos and for Hilena Hailu for getting these organized and posted!

As is stated at the MTConnect Institute's homepage:

[MC]2 2013 Conference Presentations and Videos Released 

Logo MC2The second annual [MC]2 MTConnect: Connecting Manufacturing Conference was held in Cincinnati, OH on April 10-11, 2013. With over 150 attendees, the conference brought together an energetic and inspired group of manufacturers, developers, technology builders, and technology distributors.  It consisted of business and technical tracks, and provided an opportunity to learn from the experts to understand how this game-changing technology is making tremendous productivity gains in manufacturing.  The exhibits, birds of feather sessions, and receptions also gave attendees plenty of opportunities to network.
Visit the [MC]2 2013 page to download presentations and view videos from the conference.

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